Bonus: Set a SuiNS name

Browsing a URL like is not particularly nice. Therefore, Walrus Sites allows to use SuiNS names (this is like DNS for Sui) to assign a human-readable name to a Walrus Site. To do so, you simply have to get a SuiNS name you like, and point it to the object ID of the Walrus Site (as provided by the publish or update commands).

Let's do this step by step.

Get a SuiNS name

  • Navigate to and buy a domain name with your Testnet wallet. For example, walrusgame (this specific one is already taken, choose another you like).


    At the moment, you can only select names that are composed of letters a-z and numbers 0-9, but no special characters (e.g., -).

Map the SuiNS name to the Walrus Site

Now, you can set the SuiNS name to point to the address of your Walrus Site. To do so, go to the "names you own" section of the SuiNS website, click on the "three dots" menu icon above the name you want to map, and click "Link To Wallet Address". Paste in the bar the object ID of the Walrus Site, check that it is correct, and click "Apply".

After approving the transaction, we can now browse!

The CLI way

For completeness, we report here a manual way of setting the mapping between the SuiNS name and the Walrus Site, using the CLI.

Get the SuiNS object ID

Go to the "names you own" section of the SuiNS website, click the three-dots menu on the top-right corner of the name, choose "View all info", and copy the ObjectID. In our case, this is 0x6412....

Send the SuiNS registration object to the address you use with the Sui CLI

The steps that follow require that the SuiNS registration object is owned by the address you are using on the Sui CLI. Therefore, unless you use the same address in your browser wallet and the CLI, we need to send this registration object from the address you use in your browser wallet to the address of your Sui CLI.

To find the Sui CLI address, execute:

sui client active-address

Then, from your browser wallet, select the "Assets" tab and look for the NFT of the SuiNS registration, which should look as follows:

the SuiNS registration inside the wallet

Click on it, scroll down to "Send NFT", and send it to the address discovered with the command above. Now, your Sui CLI address owns the registration NFT, and you can proceed to the next step.

Use the CLI to map the SuiNS name to the Walrus Site

This step associates the name walrusgame to the object ID of our Walrus Site. There are possibly many ways to achieve this, one is to issue the following transaction using the Sui CLI to create this mapping:

MY_SUINS_REGISTRATION_OBJECT=0x6412... # adjust this to your own SuiNS object
MY_WALRUS_SITE_OBJECT=0x5ac9... # adjust this to your Walrus Site object
sui client call \
    --package $SUINS_UTILS_PACKAGE \
    --module direct_setup \
    --function set_target_address \
    --gas-budget 500000000 \
    --args $SUINS_CORE_OBJECT \
    --args "[$MY_WALRUS_SITE_OBJECT]" \
    --args 0x6


Note that the SuiNS package and object on Testnet may change. You can find the latest ones by looking at the TESTNET_CONFIG in the SuiNS contract.