Installing the site builder

This section describes the steps necessary to setup the Walrus Sites' site-builder tool and prepare your environment for development.


Before you start, make sure you

Then, follow these additional setup steps.

Clone the repository and build the site-builder tool

First, clone and enter the Walrus Sites repo from

git clone
cd walrus-sites

Then, build the release version of the site builder:

cargo build --release

After the build process completes, you are ready to run the site builder:

$ ./target/release/site-builder
Usage: site-builder [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  publish  Publish a new site on Sui
  update   Update an existing site
  convert  Convert an object ID in hex format to the equivalent Base36
  sitemap  Show the pages composing the Walrus site at the given object ID
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
