Configuring the site builder

Configuring the site-builder tool is straightforward, but care is required to ensure that everything works correctly.

The site-builder tool requires a configuration file to know which package to use on Sui, which wallet to use, the gas budget, and other operational details. Most of these are abstracted away through sensible defaults, so you should not need to touch them. Yet, for completeness, we provide here the details for all the configuration options.

Minimal configuration

The config file is expected to be in ./sites-config.yaml, and it is possible to point elsewhere with the --config flag. For your first run, it should be sufficient to call the site-builder with --config sites-config.yaml, which is already configured appropriately.

If, for any reason, you didn't add walrus to $PATH, make sure to configure a pointer to the binary, see below.

Additional options

If you want to have more control over the behavior of the site builder, you can customize the following variables in the config file:

  • package: the object ID of the Walrus Sites package on Sui. This must always be specified in the config, and is already appropriately configured in assets/example-config.yaml.
  • portal: the name of the portal through which the site will be viewed; this only affects the output of the CLI, and nothing else (default: All Walrus Sites are accessible through any portal independent of this setting.
  • general: these are general options that can be configured both through the CLI and the config:
    • rpc_url: The URL of the Sui RPC node to use. If not set, the site-builder will infer it from the wallet.
    • wallet: Pointer to the Sui wallet to be used. By default, it uses the system-wide wallet (the one from sui client addresses).
    • walrus_binary: Pointer to the walrus binary. By default, this is expected to be run from $PATH.
    • walrus_config: The configuration for the walrus client binary, see the relevant chapter.
    • gas_budget: The maximum amount of gas to be spent for transactions (default: 500M MIST).