



Error type for HeaderBuilder
The messages sent by the primary to its workers.
Message to reconfigure worker tasks. This message must be sent by a trusted source.
Unsolicited messages exchanged between workers.
The messages sent by the workers to their primary.


Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ConfigurationServer.
Generated trait containing RPC methods that should be implemented for use with PrimaryToPrimaryServer.
Generated trait containing RPC methods that should be implemented for use with PrimaryToWorkerServer.
Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ProposerServer.
Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with TransactionsServer.
Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with ValidatorServer.
Generated trait containing RPC methods that should be implemented for use with WorkerToPrimaryServer.
Generated trait containing RPC methods that should be implemented for use with WorkerToWorkerServer.


Hashes a serialized batch message without deserializing it into a batch.

Type Definitions

The round number.
A global sequence number assigned to every certificate.
Shutdown token dropped when a task is properly shut down.
Convenience type to propagate store errors.