pub trait VerifyingKey: 'static + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Hash + Display + Eq + Ord + Default + ToFromBytes + Verifier<Self::Sig> + for<'a> From<&'a Self::PrivKey> + Send + Sync + Clone {
    type PrivKey: SigningKey
        <Self::PrivKey as SigningKey>::PubKey == Self
; type Sig: Authenticator
        <Self::Sig as Authenticator>::PubKey == Self
; const LENGTH: usize; fn verify_batch_empty_fail(
        msg: &[u8],
        pks: &[Self],
        sigs: &[Self::Sig]
    ) -> Result<(), Report> { ... } }
Expand description

Trait impl’d by public keys in asymmetric cryptography.

The trait bounds are implemented so as to be symmetric and equivalent to the ones on its associated types for private and signature material.

Required Associated Types

Required Associated Constants

Provided Methods
