Expand description

This is a library for common Tokio Tracing subscribers, such as for Jaeger.

The subscribers are configured using TelemetryConfig passed into the init() method. A panic hook is also installed so that panics/expects result in scoped error logging.

Getting started is easy:

let config = telemetry_subscribers::TelemetryConfig {
  service_name: "my_app".into(),
// Important! Need to keep the guard and not drop until program terminates
let guard = telemetry_subscribers::init(config);


  • jaeger - this feature is enabled by default as it enables jaeger tracing
  • json - Bunyan formatter - JSON log output, optional
  • tokio-console - Tokio-console subscriber, optional


Configuration for different logging/tracing options


Initialize telemetry subscribers based on TelemetryConfig NOTE: You must keep the returned guard and not drop it until the end of the program, otherwise logs will not appear!!