Module sui_types::deny_list

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  • Rust representation of the Move type 0x2::deny_list::DenyList. It has a bag that contains the deny lists for different system types. At creation, there is only one type (at key 0), which is the Coin type. We also take advantage of the dynamic nature of Bag to add more types in the future, as well as making changes to the deny lists for existing types.
  • Rust representation of the Move type 0x2::deny_list::PerTypeDenyList. denied_count is a table that stores the number of denied addresses for each coin template type. It can be used as a quick check to see if an address is denied for any coin template type. denied_addresses is a table that stores all the addresses that are denied for each coin template type. The key to the table is the coin template type in string form: package_id::module_name::struct_name.

